Since COM and DCOM is going away in Management Server 11, the following RedDot date conversion code using "RDCMSAsp.RDPageData" may not work.
ASP (From RQL Manual)
' From an RQL assign a value to a variable
OldDate = EinObjekt("changedate")
' Convert value by calling the DecodeDate function
' and output in both variants.
response.write "Date from attribute=" & OldDate & " --> Convert date=" & DecodeDate(OldDate)
Function DecodeDate(OldDate)
Dim objIO As Object ' Define object
Set objIO = CreateObject("RDCMSAsp.RDPageData") ' Create object
DecodeDate = objIO.decodedate(OldDate) ' Convert number into date
End Function
Here are the new code that should work in all versions.
Function ConvertToRedDotDate(DateObject)
ConvertToRedDotDate = DateDiff("d","12/30/1899", DateObject)
End Function
Function ConvertFromRedDotDate(RedDotDate)
Dim DateObj, Int_Days
DateObj = "12/30/1899"
Int_Days = Int(RedDotDate)
DateObj = DateAdd("d",RedDotDate,DateObj)
DateObj = DateAdd("s",(RedDotDate-Int_Days)*86400,DateObj)
ConvertFromRedDotDate = DateObj
End Function
DateTime DecodeFromOADate(double OADate)
return DateTime.FromOADate(OADate);
double EncodeToOADate(DateTime RegDate)
return RegDate.ToOADate();
function ConvertToRedDotDate(DateObj)
// day in milliseconds
var DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
var BEGINING_DATE_MIllISECONDS = new Date(1899,11,30).getTime();
var DateObj_Milliseconds = DateObj.getTime();
return Math.round(Math.abs(DateObj_Milliseconds - BEGINING_DATE_MIllISECONDS)/DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS);
function ConvertFromRedDotDate(ReddotDate)
var days = Math.floor(ReddotDate);
var milliseconds = Math.round((ReddotDate-days)*86400000);
var adjusted_days_in_millseconds = (days-25569) * 86400000;
var RetDate = new Date();
RetDate.setTime(adjusted_days_in_millseconds + milliseconds);
var ajusted_minutes = RetDate.getTimezoneOffset();
RetDate.setMinutes(RetDate.getMinutes() + ajusted_minutes);
return RetDate;